From sisterhood, motherhood, activism and leadership.... to creativity, love, sexuality and self-expression. Explore the many facets of womanhood here...
Jul 17, 2019
“You are guided through life by your inner learning creature… the playful spiritual being that is your true self” -Richard Bach
Dear Sister,
This week and last week, I am talking about the importance of connecting to your inner Maiden, and the value of allowing her a place to come out and play your life.
In many of the programs and the work I do with women, we explore different archetypes of feminine power and wholeness. The idea in this is that: There are many parts to us that make us whole, and we can learn to express and embody all of them.
When we lose touch with these different parts of ourselves, like our inner Wise Woman, our inner Queen, or our inner Lover or Artist, it’s difficult to feel whole and integrated.
If we’ve lost touch with our different aspects of self, we may feel like something is missing but we just don’t know what. We may not feel like we have our full energy and potential operating at any given time.
We may simply feel lost and disconnected from our deepest nature.
So in this work, we remember and reclaim all parts of ourselves, and connect to who we are down deep.
One very powerful and important archetype of feminine power (that we often disregard) is our inner Maiden.
To review:
The Maiden within us represents our playful self, our spontaneous nature, and a part of ourselves that is youthful and unjaded by the pains of life. (yes she’s still in there, even if buried down very deep).
In this video, I talk about the importance of listening to the beautiful and vital part of yourself.
Your inner Maiden is a part of you...and she is wise, she is playful, she is connected to her heart and her deepest desires.
If you listen and pay attention to her, she will help you be the same.
So in this video, I offer you a quick and easy process to connect to this part of yourself and allow her to have a voice.
I hope you enjoy this video… and that it inspires you to get to know your own inner Maiden.
With love,
The Priestess Remembrance Retreat
in County Wicklow, Ireland
*1 spot left!!
Join us for an absolutely magical adventure to the lush lands of the Goddess. Enjoy a week of all-inclusive love and fun with sisters, excursions, waterfalls, and fairy forests. Through ritual, celebration, and deepening into your power… come to embrace yourself as a wise, spiritual woman and leader.
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