From sisterhood, motherhood, activism and leadership.... to creativity, love, sexuality and self-expression. Explore the many facets of womanhood here...
Aug 27, 2019
“All of us as women are multifaceted and incredibly complex beings. We are beautifully creative and powerfully gifted creatures, and usually long to be expressed in more than just one role or area of our lives. We long for wholeness.” -Laura J. Swan
Dear Sister,
If you have been a part of my community for long, you’ve definitely heard me talk about the power of working with archetypes.
In our various programs and pathways, we work with a collection of feminine power archetypes that help women to embody our wholeness and full power and potential.
We talk about the Maiden, the Mother, the Warrioress, the Wise Woman, and the Lover, to name just a few…
In this video, I talk about the power of archetypes, and how learning more about them can help you to embody your own wisdom, power, and gifts.
Check out the video below to learn more.
And I also want to encourage you, if you have not already, to take our super fun and informative Feminine Power Quiz.
This quiz will help you discover your own unique archetypal expression and gifts as a woman, and help you to see what blind spots and challenges you may face as well in fulfilling your mission and purpose (and how to overcome them).
Be sure to check out this week’s video, and then head on over and take our quiz in the link below.
And let me know what you discover after you take it! I would love to hear about your results and what resonates for you.
We have had thousands of women take it, and receive feedback time and again that our quiz truly empowers them to grow and learn more about themselves. It has been an incredible support in their journey of healing and self-expression. I hope it is for you, too!
(and by the way, if you have taken it already in the past, take it again! It’s new and improved, and you’ll love it!)
Enjoy, and sending much love to you,
Periodically Laura sends out newsletters with valuable content such as videos, meditations, or transformational tools, or shares about upcoming programs, retreats or events.
*You’re welcome to join the list here, and we promise your contact information is private and never shared with anyone else.